
to our practice for general medicine in Berlin Kreuzberg. As well as family medicine we offer addiction medicine care, travel vaccination consultations and a range of health check ups.
Psycho-social care for substitution treatment is also provided at our facility.

We are still there for you

Foto: Metin Yilmaz/Bizim Kiez


Our location is under threat because the landlord, the now Luxembourg-based BR Rhein S.à.r.l., does not want to extend our lease in the long term.

Thanks to the extensive support from patients, neighborhood residents, local initiatives and politicians, we are now in negotiations with the owner company.

The campaign has been successfully launched on openPetition! Please sign the campaign here:



Opening Hours

                      Mo               Tu               We               Th               Fr

                      9-12             9-12             9-12            9-12            9-12

                     15-18           15-18                              15-18

Patients without an appointment:

Please come in latest 30 minutes before closure

Office Hours for Respiratory Tract Symptoms

Monday to Friday 8:30 to 9a.m.

Telephone Avilability
030 / 612 32 33

Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 4 to 6pm

Direct dial for medical colleagues during consultation hours:

030 / 6170 9434

Languages: German, English, Turkish